Meet our off-site Partners

Our specialty is personal training, but sometimes we need to outsource certain services to trusted locally owned and operated businesses to help fill the gaps in our knowledge and expertise. The partners listed below can be reached by accessing their website and filling out contact forms, although we would be more than happy to connect you with them directly.


Katie Hake- dietitian

Katie is a Non-Diet Dietitian and Fitness Professional with a passion for helping folks stop dieting and start living. She works with clients to eliminate the rigid, all-or-nothing mindset and replace it with one that celebrates life’s small wins to let them grow. Through both nutrition and fitness coaching, she empowers you to become the expert of your own body. Katie also accepts Anthem BCBS and United Health Care.


VisionQuest Labs

Locally owned and operated by former Fitness Clinic colleague Jeremy Wilson, VQ Labs is our preferred testing site for body composition (DEXA), VO2 Max, and metabolism analysis. All tests yield a treasure trove of important data points to help us better understand how effective our exercise prescription is for you.


Premier Weight Loss

By combining effective weight loss medications such as Mounjaro and Ozempic with comprehensive treatment plans, the team at Premier Weight Loss of Indianapolis can help support your exercise regimen if additional help is desired. Nutritional guidance, body composition analysis, and, if needed, injectable and FDA-regulated medications are all included in an initial consultation.